Latest Past Events

Our Energy Future – part two of a two-part event from RSNSW:

Online event

Our Energy Future: The Unrecognised Opportunity in Glasgow — In Two Acts Part 2: Crushed Rocks Dr Saul Griffith FRSN including a conversation with Dr Adi Paterson FRSN See here for webinar registration and further details. This year, from 1–12 November 2021, Glasgow, Scotland will host the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. “Glasgow” is the current shorthand for this [...]

1297th OGM and Open Lecture: Taking humour and laughter seriously

Taking humour and laughter seriously: Exploring the multi-disciplinary field of humour studies Dr Jessica Milner Davis FRSN Honorary Associate, University of Sydney For registration and more.  From the time of Aristotle and Plato, philosophers have speculated about humour and laughter, proposing that ridere est humanum. But we now know that chimpanzees and rats also laugh. Sociologist Norbert Elias believed that laughter evolved as an antidote to aggression; but humour can [...]

Hunter Branch Meeting 2021-3: Did the Aged Care Royal Commission provide a blueprint to fix Australia’s aged care system?

Online event

Did the Aged Care Royal Commission provide a blueprint to fix Australia's aged care system? If not, what else needs to happen? Professor Kathy Eagar Director, Australian Health Services Research Institute University of Wollongong Summary:  We all are aware of the deficiencies that have been exposed by the Royal Commission into Aged Care. Since 1997, aged care has been managed by the Department of Health and it could be argued that it [...]

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