Events for 23/09/2021 - 26/05/2021

Latest Past Events

RST Doctoral Award Webinar

Online event

Dr Abersteiner is the 2020 Royal Society of Tasmania's Doctoral Award winner. His PhD focused on kimberlite, an igneous rock that originates deep within the Earth and is the primary source of diamonds. He will deliver an online webinar and speak about how his work greatly improves our understanding of the Earth’s deep interior. For more. 

Ideas@theHouse: Music as a Superfood

Online event

Ideas@theHouse: July 2021 Presented by Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, Governor of NSW “Music as a Superfood: How music can help us live longer, sleep better, calm down, find flow, and feel happier” Greta J. Bradman Writer, broadcaster and psychologist About the talk: Greta Bradman will discuss how music can help us live longer, sleep better, calm down, find flow, and feel happier. The talk will include explorations of the [...]

STEM and Society: A Hard-Won Theory – Tectonic Plates in Victoria

Online event

In a ‘post-truth’ society, fuelled by soundbites and status updates, opinions and personal theories are often presented with unwavering certainty but remain untested. In this climate, it can be confusing when we hear from scientists reluctant to deal in absolutes, who instead engage in conversations about ‘degrees of certainty’. In the world of science, a ‘theory’ is the closest something may ever come to being ‘the truth’. To understand what [...]

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