Events for 20/05/2021 - 13/05/2021

Latest Past Events

Location, Location, Location: Immune Protection by Tissue-Resident T-Cells

Online event

T cells are specialised immune cells that are central to the complex, adaptive immune response to infection and disease. T cells are “trained” to recognise specific fragments or components of viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens (e.g. a component of the influenza virus or tuberculosis bacterium). During an infection, those T cells that recognise the infectious agent will be activated to respond – either killing infected cells or coordinating the attack. [...]

Hunter Branch Meeting 2021-1: On readying our region for low emissions technology

Newcastle Conservatorium of Music cnr Auckland and Laman Streets, Newcastle

On readying our region for low emissions technology Dr Alan Finkel AO FTSE FAA Former Chief Scientist of Australia This presentation, from the University of Newcastle and the Royal Society of NSW, coincides with the visit by Dr Finkel to the University of Newcastle.  It includes a public address, and an in-depth interview which will allow his audience to understand and explore the vast opportunities available through low emissions or [...]

Southern Highlands Branch Meeting 2020-4: Burnout — the hottest issue

Mittagong RSL Club Cnr Hume Hwy &, Bessemer St, Mittagong

Burnout — the hottest issue Professor Gordon Parker AO Scientia Professor of Psychiatry UNSW (Sydney) Summary: The talk will cover key symptoms of burnout, its history, prevalence, personal and financial impact, causes and best management models. Professor Gordon Parker AO is Scientia Professor of Psychiatry, UNSW, was Founder of the Black Dog Institute and its initial Executive Director, Head of the School of Psychiatry at UNSW, and Director of the Division of [...]

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